#!/bin/sh -e # # Stack installation script. # # This script is meant for quick & easy install via: # 'curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh' # or: # 'wget -qO- https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh' # # By default, this installs 'stack' to '/usr/local/bin'. # # Arguments (use `... | sh -s - ARGUMENTS`) # # -q: reduce script's output # -f: force over-write even if 'stack' already installed # -d DESTDIR: change destination directory # # Make pull requests at: # https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/blob/master/etc/scripts/get-stack.sh # # Note that this script will ask for root access using `sudo` in order to use # your platform's package manager to install dependencies and to install to # `/usr/local/bin`. If you prefer more control, follow the manual # installation instructions for your platform at: # https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/install_and_upgrade/ # HOME_LOCAL_BIN="$HOME/.local/bin" DEFAULT_DEST="/usr/local/bin/stack" # Windows doesn't have a good place for DEST, but all CI systems (Appveyor, Travis, Azure) support /bin DEFAULT_DEST_WINDOWS="/bin/stack" DEST="" QUIET="" FORCE="" STACK_TEMP_DIR= # creates a temporary directory, which will be cleaned up automatically # when the script finishes make_temp_dir() { STACK_TEMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t stack)" } # cleanup the temporary directory if it's been created. called automatically # when the script exits. cleanup_temp_dir() { if [ -n "$STACK_TEMP_DIR" ] ; then rm -rf "$STACK_TEMP_DIR" STACK_TEMP_DIR= fi } # print a message to stderr and exit with error code die() { echo "$@" >&2 exit 1 } # print a message to stdout unless '-q' passed to script info() { if [ -z "$QUIET" ] ; then echo "$@" fi } # print a separator for post-install messages post_install_separator() { info "" info "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" info "" } # determines the CPU's instruction set architecture (ISA) get_isa() { if uname -m | grep -Eq 'armv[78]l?' ; then echo arm elif uname -m | grep -q aarch64 ; then echo aarch64 # uname -m returns arm64 on macOS/AArch64 elif uname -m | grep -q arm64 ; then echo aarch64 elif uname -m | grep -q x86 ; then echo x86 else die "$(uname -m) is not a supported instruction set" fi } # # exits with code 0 if arm ISA is detected as described above # is_arm() { # test "$(get_isa)" = arm # } # # exits with code 0 if aarch64 ISA is detected as described above is_aarch64() { test "$(get_isa)" = aarch64 } # determines 64- or 32-bit architecture # if getconf is available, it will return the arch of the OS, as desired # if not, it will use uname to get the arch of the CPU, though the installed # OS could be 32-bits on a 64-bit CPU get_arch() { if has_getconf ; then if getconf LONG_BIT | grep -q 64 ; then echo 64 else echo 32 fi else case "$(uname -m)" in *64) echo 64 ;; *) echo 32 ;; esac fi } # exits with code 0 if a x86_64-bit architecture is detected as described above is_x86_64() { test "$(get_arch)" = 64 -a "$(get_isa)" = "x86" } # prints a generic bindist notice print_bindist_notice() { if [ -z "$1" ] ; then info "" info "Using generic bindist..." info "" else info "" info "Using generic $1 bindist..." info "" fi } # Adds a 'sudo' prefix if sudo is available to execute the given command # If not, the given command is run as is # When requesting root permission, always show the command and never re-use cached credentials. sudocmd() { reason="$1"; shift if command -v sudo >/dev/null; then echo echo "About to use 'sudo' to run the following command as root:" echo " $@" echo "in order to $reason." echo # -k: Disable cached credentials (force prompt for password). sudo -k "$@" else "$@" fi } # Install dependencies for distros that use Apt apt_install_dependencies() { info "Installing dependencies..." info "" apt_get_install_pkgs "$@" } # Attempts an install on Ubuntu via apt, if possible # Expects the version (in Major.Minor format, with any sub-minor removed) # as the first and only argument # If the version of Ubuntu is unsupported, it attempts to copy the binary # and install the necessary dependencies explicitly. do_ubuntu_install() { install_dependencies() { apt_install_dependencies g++ gcc libc6-dev libffi-dev libgmp-dev make xz-utils zlib1g-dev git gnupg netbase } #if is_arm ; then # install_dependencies # print_bindist_notice # install_arm_linux_binary if is_x86_64 ; then install_dependencies print_bindist_notice install_x86_64_linux_binary elif is_aarch64 ; then install_dependencies print_bindist_notice install_aarch64_linux_binary else die "Sorry, currently only 64-bit (x86_64 or aarch64) Linux binary is available." #install_dependencies #print_bindist_notice #install_i386_linux_binary fi } # Attempts an install on Debian. # Expects the single-number version as the first and only argument # If the version of Debian is unsupported, it attempts to copy the binary # and install the necessary dependencies explicitly. do_debian_install() { install_dependencies() { apt_install_dependencies g++ gcc libc6-dev libffi-dev libgmp-dev make xz-utils zlib1g-dev git gnupg netbase } #if is_arm ; then # install_dependencies # print_bindist_notice # install_arm_linux_binary if is_x86_64 ; then install_dependencies print_bindist_notice install_x86_64_linux_binary elif is_aarch64 ; then install_dependencies print_bindist_notice install_aarch64_linux_binary else die "Sorry, currently only 64-bit (x86_64 or aarch64) Linux binary is available." # install_dependencies # print_bindist_notice # install_i386_linux_binary fi } # Attempts an install on Fedora. # Expects the single-number version as the first and only argument # If the version of Fedora is unsupported, it attempts to copy the binary # and install the necessary dependencies explicitly. do_fedora_install() { install_dependencies() { dnf_install_pkgs perl make automake gcc gcc-c++ gmp-devel libffi zlib-devel xz tar git gnupg } if is_x86_64 ; then install_dependencies "$1" print_bindist_notice install_x86_64_linux_binary else die "Sorry, currently only 64-bit (x86_64) Linux binary is available." #install_dependencies "$1" #print_bindist_notice #install_i386_linux_binary fi } # Attempts an install on CentOS. # Expects the single-number version as the first and only argument # If the version of CentOS is unsupported, it attempts to copy the binary # and install the necessary dependencies explicitly. do_centos_install() { install_dependencies() { yum_install_pkgs perl make automake gcc gcc-c++ gmp-devel libffi zlib xz tar git gnupg } if is_x86_64 ; then install_dependencies print_bindist_notice install_x86_64_linux_binary else die "Sorry, currently only 64-bit (x86_64) Linux binary is available." #case "$1" in # "6"*) # die "Sorry, there is currently no Linux 32-bit gmp4 binary available." # ;; # *) # install_dependencies # print_bindist_notice # install_i386_linux_binary # ;; #esac fi } # Attempts to install on Windows, designed for CI scripts (tested on Appveyor, Travis, Azure) do_windows_install() { info "Using Windows install.." info "" make_temp_dir dl_to_file "https://get.haskellstack.org/stable/windows-x86_64.zip" "$STACK_TEMP_DIR/stack.zip" if [ "$(basename $DEST)" != "stack" ]; then # should never happen, the -d flag appends stack itself die "Currently the destination must always end with 'stack' on Windows, got: $DEST" fi if ! 7z x $STACK_TEMP_DIR/stack.zip stack.exe "-o$(dirname $DEST)" -y; then die "Extract zip file failed, you probably don't have 7z installed" fi post_install_separator info "Stack has been installed to: $DEST" info "" check_dest_on_path } # Attempts to install on macOS. do_osx_install() { if is_x86_64 ; then install_x86_64_osx_binary info "NOTE: You may need to run 'xcode-select --install' and/or" info " 'open /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg'" info " to set up the Xcode command-line tools, which Stack uses." info "" elif is_aarch64 ; then install_aarch64_osx_binary info "NOTE: You may need to run 'xcode-select --install' and/or" info " 'open /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg'" info " to set up the Xcode command-line tools, which Stack uses." info "" else die "Sorry, currently only 64-bit (x86_64 or aarch64) macOS binary is available." fi } # # Attempts to install on FreeBSD. Installs dependencies with # # 'pkg install' and then downloads bindist. # do_freebsd_install() { # install_dependencies() { # pkg_install_pkgs devel/gmake perl5 lang/gcc misc/compat8x misc/compat9x converters/libiconv ca_root_nss # } # if is_64_bit ; then # install_dependencies # install_64bit_freebsd_binary # else # die "Sorry, there is currently no 32-bit FreeBSD binary available." # fi # } # Alpine distro install do_alpine_install() { install_dependencies() { apk_install_pkgs gmp libgcc xz make } install_dependencies if is_x86_64 ; then print_bindist_notice install_x86_64_linux_binary else die "Sorry, currently only 64-bit (x86_64) Alpine Linux binary is available." fi } # Attempts to install on unsupported Linux distribution by downloading # the bindist. do_sloppy_install() { info "This installer doesn't support your Linux distribution, trying generic" info "bindist..." info "" #if is_arm ; then # install_arm_linux_binary if is_x86_64 ; then install_x86_64_linux_binary elif is_aarch64 ; then install_aarch64_linux_binary else die "Sorry, currently only 64-bit (x86_64 or aarch64) Linux binary is available." #install_i386_linux_binary fi info "Since this installer doesn't support your Linux distribution," info "there is no guarantee that 'stack' will work at all! You may" info "need to manually install some system info dependencies for GHC:" info " gcc, make, libffi, zlib, libgmp and libtinfo" info "Please see http://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/install_and_upgrade/" info "Pull requests to add support for this distro would be welcome!" info "" } # Attempts to determine the running Linux distribution. # Prints "DISTRO;VERSION" (distribution name and version)"." distro_info() { parse_lsb() { lsb_release -a 2> /dev/null | perl -ne "$1" } try_lsb() { if has_lsb_release ; then TL_DIST="$(parse_lsb 'if(/Distributor ID:\s+([^ ]+)/) { print "\L$1"; }')" TL_VERSION="$(parse_lsb 'if(/Release:\s+([^ ]+)/) { print "\L$1"; }')" echo "$TL_DIST;$TL_VERSION" else return 1 fi } try_release() { parse_release() { perl -ne "$1" /etc/*release 2>/dev/null } parse_release_id() { parse_release 'if(/^(DISTRIB_)?ID\s*=\s*"?([^"]+)/) { print "\L$2"; exit 0; }' } parse_release_version() { parse_release 'if(/^(DISTRIB_RELEASE|VERSION_ID)\s*=\s*"?([^"]+)/) { print $2; exit 0; }' } TR_RELEASE="$(parse_release_id);$(parse_release_version)" if [ ";" = "$TR_RELEASE" ] ; then if [ -e /etc/arch-release ] ; then # /etc/arch-release exists but is often empty echo "arch;" elif [ -e /etc/centos-release ] && grep -q "\<6\>" /etc/centos-release ; then # /etc/centos-release has a non-standard format before version 7 echo "centos;6" else return 1 fi else echo "$TR_RELEASE" fi } try_issue() { case "$(cat /etc/issue 2>/dev/null)" in "Arch Linux"*) echo "arch;" # n.b. Version is not available in /etc/issue on Arch ;; "Ubuntu"*) echo "ubuntu;$(perl -ne 'if(/Ubuntu (\d+\.\d+)/) { print $1; }' < /etc/issue)" ;; "Debian"*) echo "debian;$(perl -ne 'if(/Debian GNU\/Linux (\d+(\.\d+)?)/) { print $1; }' < /etc/issue)" ;; *"SUSE"*) echo "suse;$(perl -ne 'if(/SUSE\b.* (\d+\.\d+)/) { print $1; }' < /etc/issue)" ;; *"NixOS"*) echo "nixos;$(perl -ne 'if(/NixOS (\d+\.\d+)/) { print $1; }' < /etc/issue)" ;; "CentOS"*) echo "centos;$(perl -ne 'if(/^CentOS release (\d+)\./) { print $1; }' < /etc/issue)" ;; *) esac # others do not output useful info in issue, return empty } try_lsb || try_release || try_issue } # Attempt to install on a Linux distribution do_distro() { if ! has_perl ; then if ! try_install_pkgs perl ; then #TODO: remove dependence on 'perl', which is not installed by default #on some distributions (Fedora and RHEL, in particular). die "This script requires 'perl', please install it to continue." fi fi IFS=";" read -r DISTRO VERSION </dev/null; then if ! sudocmd "create the destination directory" mkdir -p "$destdir"; then die "Could not create directory: $DEST" fi fi fi # First attempt to install 'stack' as current user, then try with sudo if it fails info "Installing Stack to: $DEST..." if ! install -c -m 0755 "$STACK_TEMP_EXE" "$destdir" 2>/dev/null; then if ! sudocmd "copy 'stack' to the destination directory" install -c -o 0 -g 0 -m 0755 "$STACK_TEMP_EXE" "$destdir"; then die "Install to $DEST failed" fi fi post_install_separator info "Stack has been installed to: $DEST" info "" check_dest_on_path } #install_arm_linux_binary() { # install_from_bindist "linux-arm.tar.gz" #} # #install_i386_linux_binary() { # install_from_bindist "linux-i386.tar.gz" #} install_x86_64_linux_binary() { install_from_bindist "linux-x86_64.tar.gz" } install_aarch64_linux_binary() { install_from_bindist "linux-aarch64.tar.gz" } install_aarch64_osx_binary() { install_from_bindist "osx-aarch64.tar.gz" } install_x86_64_osx_binary() { install_from_bindist "osx-x86_64.tar.gz" } #install_64bit_freebsd_binary() { # install_from_bindist "freebsd-x86_64.tar.gz" #} # Attempt to install packages using whichever of apt-get, dnf, yum, or apk is # available. try_install_pkgs() { if has_apt_get ; then apt_get_install_pkgs "$@" elif has_dnf ; then dnf_install_pkgs "$@" elif has_yum ; then yum_install_pkgs "$@" elif has_apk ; then apk_install_pkgs "$@" else return 1 fi } # Install packages using apt-get apt_get_install_pkgs() { missing= for pkg in $*; do if ! dpkg -s $pkg 2>/dev/null |grep '^Status:.*installed' >/dev/null; then missing="$missing $pkg" fi done if [ "$missing" = "" ]; then info "Already installed!" elif ! sudocmd "install required system dependencies" apt-get install -y ${QUIET:+-qq}$missing; then die "\nInstalling apt packages failed. Please run 'apt-get update' and try again." fi } # Install packages using dnf dnf_install_pkgs() { if ! sudocmd "install required system dependencies" dnf install -y ${QUIET:+-q} "$@"; then die "\nInstalling dnf packages failed. Please run 'dnf check-update' and try again." fi } # Install packages using yum yum_install_pkgs() { if ! sudocmd "install required system dependencies" yum install -y ${QUIET:+-q} "$@"; then die "\nInstalling yum packages failed. Please run 'yum check-update' and try again." fi } # Install packages using apk apk_install_pkgs() { if ! sudocmd "install required system dependencies" apk add --update ${QUIET:+-q} "$@"; then die "\nInstalling apk packages failed. Please run 'apk update' and try again." fi } # Install packages using pkg pkg_install_pkgs() { if ! sudocmd "install required system dependencies" pkg install -y "$@"; then die "\nInstalling pkg packages failed. Please run 'pkg update' and try again." fi } # Get installed Stack version, if any installed_stack_version() { stack --version | grep -o 'Version \([[:digit:]]\|\.\)\+' | tr A-Z a-z } # Get installed Stack's path stack_location() { command -v stack } # Check whether 'stack' command exists has_stack() { if [ "$DEST" != "" ] ; then has_cmd "$DEST" else has_cmd stack fi } # Check whether 'wget' command exists has_wget() { has_cmd wget } # Check whether 'curl' command exists has_curl() { has_cmd curl } # Check whether 'lsb_release' command exists has_lsb_release() { has_cmd lsb_release } # Check whether 'sudo' command exists has_sudo() { has_cmd sudo } # Check whether 'getconf' command exists has_getconf() { has_cmd getconf } # Check whether 'brew' command exists #has_brew() { # has_cmd brew #} # Check whether 'perl' command exists has_perl() { has_cmd perl } # Check whether 'apt-get' command exists has_apt_get() { has_cmd apt-get } # Check whether 'yum' command exists has_yum() { has_cmd yum } # Check whether 'apk' command exists has_apk() { has_cmd apk } # Check whether 'dnf' command exists has_dnf() { has_cmd dnf } # Check whether the given command exists has_cmd() { command -v "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 } # Check whether the given path is listed in the PATH environment variable on_path() { echo ":$PATH:" | grep -q :"$1": } # Check whether ~/.local/bin is on the PATH, and print a warning if not. check_home_local_bin_on_path() { if ! on_path "$HOME_LOCAL_BIN" ; then #TODO: offer to add it for the user (pull requests welcome!) info "WARNING: '$HOME_LOCAL_BIN' is not on your PATH." info " Stack will place the binaries it builds in '$HOME_LOCAL_BIN' so" info " for best results, please add it to the beginning of PATH in your profile." info "" fi } # Check whether $DEST is on the PATH, and print a warning if not. check_dest_on_path() { if ! on_path "$(dirname $DEST)" ; then info "WARNING: '$(dirname $DEST)' is not on your PATH." info "" fi } # Check whether Stack is already installed, and print an error if it is. check_stack_installed() { if has_stack ; then if [ "$FORCE" = "true" ] ; then [ "$DEST" != "" ] || DEST="$(stack_location)" else if has_curl; then get="curl -sSL" else get="wget -qO-" fi [ "$DEST" != "" ] && location=$(realpath "$DEST") || location=$(stack_location) die "Stack $(installed_stack_version) already appears to be installed at: $location Use 'stack upgrade' or your OS's package manager to upgrade, or pass '-f' to this script to over-write the existing binary, e.g.: $get https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh -s - -f To install to a different location, pass '-d DESTDIR', e.g.: $get https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh -s - -d /opt/stack/bin" fi fi } trap cleanup_temp_dir EXIT while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -q|--quiet) # This tries its best to reduce output by suppressing the script's own # messages and passing "quiet" arguments to tools that support them. QUIET="true" shift ;; -f|--force) FORCE="true" shift ;; -d|--dest) DEST="$2/stack" shift 2 ;; *) echo "Invalid argument: $1" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done check_stack_installed do_os check_home_local_bin_on_path